
Zane is a am-zane! He is tough! Want to know how he is  am-zane? He has a big chunk taken out of his ear and he can push a big bag of hay with almost nothing taken out of it with just his head! Also he does not like a fight, he stays on defense and runs a fast circle around the enemy! But this is no ordinary guinea pig. He is a Cutie King, and he is fast, can stand on 2 legs for 2 1/2 seconds, and can climb (but not that well). He is albino so he is white with red eyes but he is not mean and does look scary because of the red eyes in fact you barely ever see the red! Also you need to see his best friend Guido! What do you think Guido is if you guessed guinea pig you are off by a lot! Guido is a TOAD when those two saw each other they were friends! And if I do not let them say hi, Guido may not let you sleep!