Pet toad and frog facts

Somethings you should know before getting a pet frog or toad are:

  1. You should feed them when they get hungry! They love to eat. If the frog or had wanted to live with raver than outside it will be very hard to feed Freeze dried food so you should get live food.
  1.  You shoud try to find out if the frog is very smart and can escape or if the frog is lazy and does not climb a lot.
  1.  If you are not ok with being used as a pee pee spot, and if the frog or toad gets mad they will pee.

4. If you have a pet frog or toad long enough you can see what they want and it can feel weird to think about.

5. You should give them a lot of different toys, small stands, fish toys and fish plants are Great. You should have two toads, two frogs, or a frog and a toad so they do not get lonely.