Lazy Pair – Giganto & Flat

The Lazy Pair includes two frogs and they are very, very, very lazy. The frogs are so lazy they do not wake up to get a drink of water. But when there is food they do not care when they are woken up or  who woke them up, they just want food. But they are very, very fat! The two frogs also have names one is Shadow that means dark, I gave him that name because when he gets wet his skin changes to a color that is almost jet black. Also that frog has one more name I also call him Giganto Eyes, it means big eyes. I gave the frog a name like that because when you make your eyes big he makes his eyes bigger too! The other frog is Flat face but he likes to be called a flat frog. His name means Flat Frog. Their favorite place to sleep is Guido’s rock.