Escape Team

Blog #2

The frog Escape Team includes four of my six frogs. Their names are Yellow Throat, Ripper, Escape Root, and Tiny Escaper

The frogs love to play games and tricks, they are very sneaky!

The frogs have a favorite toy, it is a big rock with a hole in the middle. The rock can fit my fastest toad Guido, and the frogs get in from the sides.

One way the Escape Team try to escape is they distract me and one climbs out! One day I left the top to the terrarium open, I got worried because did not see the frogs. I checked the rock and found all six frogs were sleeping together.

All of my frogs and toads love mealworms but the frogs seem to like crickets more. One time a cricket ran to the rock and was eaten by Tiny Ecaper!

One time Tiny Ecaper did escape, I was so happy we found him!