Last Day

We are visiting North America and returning home from our trip around the world! Check out our country blog posts at the below links.

Next up –
Last Week of Summer SPIRIT WEEK!

Wacky Wednesday 8/5 – Wacky outfits! Do things backwards like breakfast for dinner. Watch a silly movie. Learn a few new jokes. Play a game like Twister or 3-legged race that gets your body all all wacky.

Throwback Thursday 8/6 – Collage baby picture and current picture. Watch a movie about a throwback time (for example, Sandlot). Play a game of toss – THROW a ball BACK and forth.

Fun Friday 8/7 – GET OUTSIDE and PLAY.  Plan some ways to be active when school starts and have P.E. happens at home! Chalk a 2-D obstacle course on your driveway, play picnic games like spoon races, try some cartwheels or log rolls.

(8/8 – Celebrating someone’s wedding anniversary!; 8/9 Celebrating someone’s BIRTHDAY!)

Motivation Monday 8/10 – How will you get fired up for back-to-school? Try a mini HIIT workout that could become your morning routine. (See below)
Set a goal for the school year. How will you achieve this goal?

Transformation Tuesday 8/11 – Get ready to become a student again! Finalize at-home school area or decorate your at-home classroom. Collect your school supplies. Show off your learning space. 

School Starts – Wednesday 8/12

Improve Emotional Regulation In Just 7 Minutes Per Day in 2020 ...

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