Mimic Octopus

This animal is worth learning about because it can do an amazing thing. 

This animal’s special skill is that it can: The Mimic Octopus can act and look like other animals like sea snakes and crabs.

Like other mimics, the octopus changes its coloring to disguise itself. More unusually, it can also contort its body to take on the appearance and behavior of several animals, including the lionfish, jellyfish, sea snake, a shrimp, a crab, and others.

COMMON NAME: Mimic Octopus

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thaumoctopus mimicus

DIET: Carnivore

SIZE: Up to 24 inches 

The Mimic Octupus can change color, when the Mimic Octupus mimics a sea snake the octopus turns white with black rings so it’s arms look like sea snakes to scare away predators like the damselfish.