White Sangria

White sangria is more refreshing than red in summer, and I suggest it pairs best with a dystopian pandemic nightmare.

Image may contain: drink, fruit and food
  1. Start with a less expensive dry, crisp, optional fruity, white wineless expensive because you will be covering the wine with other flavors and you don’t want to waste GOOD wine that tastes great on it’s own.
    Chenin blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, etc.
  2. Select a Liqueur – I added a hefty spash (pour) cointreau or Grand Marnier (orange flavor)
  3. Choose fruit you can get your hands on. Fresh is best, frozen works too. Your choice if you peel or simply cut with peels/skins on.
    Pictured above are:
    fresh-from-farm yellow and white nectarines, pluots (plume+apricot), cherries; plus frozen sliced peaches and strawberries
  4. Combine the wine, liqueur, and fruit in a tall pitcher.
  5. Mix – stirred, not shaken
  6. optional – add Sparkling water or Champagne for sparkle kick or if the sangria feels syrupy.
  7. ENJOY!
    Tip – Drink the wine then eat the wine-soaked fruit as a delicious treat! Cherries are AMAZING this way!